Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Baby's First Bender

At just shy of two months old, it was high time for Ez's first proper party. Plus, we've got some friends over here that were looking forward to meeting our small wonder.

The occasion was a double b-day bash for great peeps Rachel & Rene. We made our way up to Ibara for the first time since last year's good time hangi event. And once again, this year did not disappoint. Despite the rain that attacked in waves, on-and-off, we made do and had a very excellent bbq. Complete with delectable food, a singalong jam session, good conversation, and rounds of sake, it was a fitting way to say sayonara to a load of great people we've met in Japan.

And we got to pass Ez around too...

B-boy Rene & Ez make fast friends.

Good Kids.

The Birthday Pair.

And the irrepressible Gary gets the music going.

The Sisters' Sojourn

Visits in Ez's honour continued in May.

This time we welcomed my mom, who just couldn't wait a couple of months to meet her newest grand treasure, and she brought along her sis' - who's also quite fond of small people - to keep the travels interesting.

They both took to Ez like he's the world's newest amazing gift - which he is. They also took to the Pretz that we offered, and decided it's another of the world's amazing gifts - which it is.

For Ez's part, he seemed quite happy to make more friends, but at times they had to compete with his imaginery companions who lurk on the ceiling, particularly around the lights. Then there were also those captivating 'beeige' curtains.

As for the 'rents, we were sure glad to have T & P's help for near 3 weeks. We ate delicious veg. food with no dishes to do. We got pleasant breaks while they took Ez for his much loved strolls around the neighbourhood. And we had plenty of laughs.

Thanks so much Miss Kitten & Ladybug...

Here's Ez getting the love from his grandma.

And here's more love from his graunty.

School's Out FOR--EVER!!

Well for Japan anyway...

Yes, that's right. It's all over. No more teaching uninterested, half-wit (bad teacher!), mouth-breathers a subject they have as much interest in as I have for J-Pop, and expecting they actually try.
I, for one, am all through trying.


Of course, that's a somewhat unfair characterization. Only somewhat though. I met lots of stellar students who really made me feel like my help was worthwhile. However, these students don't change my overall impression...

Instead, I'm left clicking my heels that my time teaching in this educational wasteland is over.

For the record, here is my very last class in J-Land:

And here's some of the good guys:

Now, on to bigger and brighter things.
That'd be taking care of my remarkable son.

Ahhh, yeah.

Take it away, Mr. Mom.