Kurashiki, karaoke, and around...

Father and son rip into some Johnny Cash

Husband and wife serenade each other; "Leather and Lace" style...

Friends blast out some John Cougar

Rene get up...get on up...
Alas, no pics of my Mom singing...worthless.

Well, here she is on Mother's Day...I was so pleased that she was here for that day. It was really good to be able to spend time with my Mom, and for awhile forget all the family days I've missed like birthdays, and 'births' etc...
Next we said, "Let's Castle!" and soon found ourselves in Himeji.

Ahhh, my loved ones!!
My parents rounded out their trip with a visit to one of my schools during their "Tokusai" aka "School Festival". This turned out to be some pretty good luck as it gave M & T a chance to actually see the fun (which is often opaque) side of Japanese schools.

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