Welcome Party

I didn't really realize this was going to be a full-on "welcome party" when the idea was first suggested to me that some teachers wanted to take Sarah and I out for dinner before the holidays. Afterall it was December by now, and we had gone out with a few teachers for lunch before so I thought it was a similar plan. When asked if there was somewhere I might want to go, I innocently replied that I knew of a good Indian place in Okayama. Next thing I knew an all-you-can-eat/all-you can-drink (that's how they like to do it here) party had been arranged. My Kocho-sensei (school Principal), 2 kyouto-senseis (VPs) would be in attendance. It is very unusual for a "welcome party" to be held at anywhere other than a Japanese restaurant. So I was a little nervous that people might find the food too hot, too strange, and not like it. Well, it was hot. The sweat was pouring down foreheads as people reached for their beer glasses. The food was definitely strange as this was the first time most of my collegues had ever experienced this kind of Indo taste explosion. However, I think they liked it. Whether they ever want it again I don't know, but I think most everyone enjoyed themselves. I sure did!

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